For outdoor living solution sellers

Don’t let sales slow after summer:
Learn 5 steps to keep selling

Learn 5 proven tactics outdoor living sellers use to generate high-quality leads and increase sales by 40 %, even in the off-season.



11:00 CEST

This webinar is for you if:

You’re seeing a drop in sales as the summer ends and want to change that.

You’re new to online sales funnels or looking to improve your current one.

You’re struggling to generate enough leads to keep your business growing.

Your sales process is slow and manual, pushing your customers away.

If any of these sound familiar, this free webinar is just what you need to learn the right tactics and take action.

Sales don’t have to slow down after summer!

The outdoor living sellers we work with aren’t slowing down.
They’re selling all year round using online funnels with configurators.
Join this webinar to learn how you can do the same.

What you’ll learn:

In this free webinar, we’ll dive deep into the online sales funnels that are transforming sales for 100s of businesses like yours.

Here’s a sneak peek of the online sales funnel in action:

Success stories from the industry’s best:

Carport seller: Boosted carport sales by 40% and got 478% more leads in 3 months.

Modular house seller: Generated €10M in quotes in one month using an online sales funnel. 

Tiny house seller: Digitalized their sales process and brought in €133M in leads over 30 months.

Fence seller: Receive 14x more inquiries, thanks to the configurator. 


Imagine those results for your company. Join the free webinar.

You’ll be in great company

Ajda Hafner
A marketing expert in building online sales funnels.

Olga Nemčanin
A consultant on configurators for outdoor living solutions.

Loved by 100+ outdoor living solution sellers

Save your free spot on the webinar

16 October 2024

11:00 CEST


June 20, 2024

11:00 CEST
