Order processing in manufacturing is manual and time-consuming.

But it doesn’t have to be.

Receiving orders from customers

You work in manufacturing sales. The whole team is talented, ambitious, and hard-working, but you’re using outdated tools like spreadsheets, emails, telephones and old-fashioned pen and paper. Although these tools might work well for simple orders, they’re just not cut out for the complex configurations manufacturers offer. You are forced to work for these tools – they don’t work for you.

Why not bridge the gap between your customers’ unique requirements and the complex logic that governs an order processing platform?

Before switching to SaleSqueze

Receiving orders via email and telephone

After switching to SaleSqueze

Receiving orders via B2B ordering platform.

Business logic

Once your customer’s unique requirements are received, it’s time to prepare the order. Your business logic is all over the place. It’s stored in Excel spreadsheets, Word documents, printed catalogues or in some cases you only make a mental note of it. Therefore, order preparation in time-consuming and the risk of errors is high.

Why don’t you store your business logic in one system?

Before switching to SaleSqueze

Product business logic in Excel and printed catalogs

After switching to SaleSqueze

Business logic is stored in one place and synced with the ERP

Entering orders into ERP

Manual order entry into the ERP is part of the daily routine of sales teams in many companies. You probably don’t like the 90s interface of the ERP, and it takes forever to enter an order with 460 line items or a configurable product with 56 attributes and options.

Imagine that you never have to manually enter orders in the ERP again!

Before switching to SaleSqueze

Manually entering orders in the ERP

After switching to SaleSqueze

Orders are synced directly into the ERP


Communication with customers

Customers are the heart of your business. You’d like to offer them the best service, but day-to-day communication takes up a huge chunk of your valuable time.

Imagine that customers are so well informed and confident that you can finally escape all those emails and calls!

Before switching to SaleSqueze

Back-and-forth communication about orders, confirmations, updates, delivery notes and invoices

After switching to SaleSqueze

Customers can see the status of their order in the platform, anywhere and anytime

Enable digital sales for your company and customers.

Start with
SaleSqueze Visual CPQ